Top Ten Objections Atheists in Recovery Might Have (With Answers)

1. "The Bible is just an old book written by men. Why trust it?"

→ Answer: The Bible has over 5,800 Greek manuscripts, with some dating within decades of the originals. Non-Christian sources like Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliny the Younger confirm key events, and archaeology (e.g., Dead Sea Scrolls, Pilate Inscription) supports its accuracy.

2. "There’s no evidence Jesus even existed."

→ Answer: Secular historians Josephus (c. 93 AD), Tacitus (c. 116 AD), and Pliny the Younger (c. 112 AD) confirm Jesus' life, execution under Pontius Pilate, and the rapid rise of Christianity. Even skeptical scholars agree Jesus was a real historical figure.

3. "People hallucinate. Maybe the disciples just thought they saw Jesus after He died."

→ Answer: Hallucinations are individual experiences, yet over 500 people (1 Cor. 15:3-8) claimed to see the risen Jesus at different times, places, and circumstances. The disciples’ willingness to die for this claim shows they weren’t making it up.

4. "If God is real, why is there suffering—especially in addiction?"

→ Answer: The Bible teaches that suffering has meaning (Romans 8:28) and that God uses hardships to bring growth. Jesus Himself suffered and understands pain (Isaiah 53). Recovery itself mirrors biblical themes of redemption and transformation.

5. "Why would a loving God send people to Hell?"

→ Answer: God respects free will. Hell isn’t about God rejecting people, but about people rejecting God. C.S. Lewis put it best: “The doors of hell are locked from the inside.” God offers salvation to everyone (John 3:16), but He won’t force it.

6. "Science disproves God—how can you believe in a Creator?"

→ Answer: Science actually supports belief in God. The Big Bang Theory suggests the universe had a beginning, pointing to a cause beyond space and time. The fine-tuning of physics, DNA, and the complexity of life suggests an intelligent designer.

7. "Religion is just about control. I don’t need it to recover."

→Answer: Biblical faith isn’t about control—it’s about freedom (John 8:36). Many in recovery find that surrendering to a higher power (God) provides real peace and purpose beyond self-reliance.

8. "The Bible has contradictions, so it can’t be true."

→Answer: Most alleged contradictions are misunderstandings due to context, translation, or writing style. The Bible was written over 1,500 years by 40+ authors yet remains thematically consistent—a supernatural feat in itself.

9. "I don’t need Jesus to be a good person."

→Answer: Christianity isn’t about being “good”—it’s about grace. Even great moral teachers (C.S. Lewis, Tolstoy) admitted that self-improvement alone isn’t enough. Jesus offers transformation, not just rules.

10. "Why should I believe in a God I can’t see?"

→ Answer: You can’t see gravity, thoughts, or love, yet you experience their effects. God’s presence is seen in transformed lives, the fine-tuning of the universe, fulfilled prophecy, and the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection.

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